%84,102 #\38 @Take out a dollar bill and look at the side with the "one" on it. What do you think the Eagle stands for? +Freedom + Endangered animals |The thirteen original colonies #\40 @Which important early city was home to the first U.S. mint? |Philadelphia +Boston +Washington D.C. #\43 @Which of the following is a common way for kids to earn their own money? +Space exploration |Lawn mowing +Firefighting #\44 @Why do most parents give kids an allowance? +Because they have to +Because they're being nice |Because they want kids to learn how to handle money wisely #\47 @You buy a candy bar for fifty cents and hand the cashier a dollar. By accident, she hands you a dollar back as change. You should: +Take the money and run +Buy another candy bar |Hand back the dollar and explain the mistake #\48 @About how much do you think it costs the government to print one dollar bill? |Four cents +Fifty cents +Nothing #\64 @Got a scale handy? The total weight of all the gold mined in the world is: |95,000 tons +950 tons +95 tons #\80 @How much silver is there in one thin dime? |None +100% +50% #\81 @How much silver is there in a quarter? |None +25% +75% #\95 @How much money is in circulation in the U.S. today? |215 billion dollars +4 billion dollars +180 million dollars #\101 @If you took one billion dollar bills and laid them end to end, they would: +Cover the length of the Brooklyn Bridge +Reach from New York to Los Angeles |Wrap around the earth four times #\102 @In the year 1993, approximately how many one dollar bills were printed? +1 million +1.5 billion |More than 3 billion #\112 @What would happen if money really DID grow on trees? |Money would be as worthless in the marketplace as leaves +Everyone would be rich +Everyone would volunteer to rake #\117 @Which part of the U.S. government is ultimately responsible all our dollars? |The Treasury Department +The Senate +The Bureau of Monetary Affairs #\119 @If pure, premium gold is 24 carat gold, 14 carat gold must be: +14 parts pure gold, 10 parts lead |14 parts pure gold, 10 parts silver and copper +14 parts pure gold, 10 parts liquid mercury #\120 @If you took a trillion dollar bills and laid them end to end, they would reach to the moon: |200 times and back +20 times and back +2 times and back #\123 @Your mom gives you a $50 bill to buy a pair of high-tops for $24.99. How much will your mom expect back? +Nothing, because she won't remember what she gave you |Two tens, three ones, 8 quarters and 1 penny +Two fives, 10 ones and 4 quarters #\124 @Someone promises you double your money if you give them all your allowance. What should you do? |Say, "No thanks," and hold onto your money +Say, "Sure!" as fast as you can +Say you'd like to think about it first #\128 @How many coins does the US mint turn out every year? +13 million +130 million |13 billion #\129 @What does the word "profit" mean? +How much money a business makes in total |How much money a business has after paying expenses +How much money is owed to a business at any one time #\130 @What do you think "revenue" is? +Something a critic writes about a business |The money a business earns +The total expenses a business has #\131 @In 1910, there were over 3 billion dollars in circulation. In 1994, there were over: +37 billion |371 billion +3,710 billion #\132 @Who was the youngest female to ever make a million dollars? +Chris Everett, tennis star +Mariah Carey, singer/performer |Shirley Temple, child actress #\127 @What does it mean to "balance a checkbook?" +To spin the checkbook on your finger like a basketball |To make sure you have the same amount the bank thinks you have +To make sure you spend exactly as much money as you earn every month #\133 @When you're talking about money, what is bullion? +Liquid gold or silver |Refined gold or silver cast in bulk +Vats of bleach used to clean old coins #\134 @U.S. bills are printed in 7 denominations. They are: |$1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 +$1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $1,000 +$1, $5, $10, $15, $20, $50, $100 #\135 @What is money laundering? +How the Treasury Department cleans worn out bills |How illegal businesses make their money look legal +Changing larger bills into smaller bills #\136 @Who gets credit for engraving the first printing plates for U.S. paper money? |Paul Revere +George Washington +Paul Bunyan #\137 @In 1865, what percentage of money was believed to be fake? +3% |33 1/3% +50% #\138 @If you spent $200 a minute every minute of every day for about 10 years, you'd spend: +A million dollars +Five million dollars |A billion dollars #\139 @Which country's main currency is NOT a dollar? +Australia +Taiwan |France #\141 @On an average day, about how many pennies are minted in the U.S.? |25 million +1 million +1 thousand #\142 @What do people mean when they say, "That's as good as gold?" |That's very good! +That's worth a million dollars! +That's bright yellow! #\143 @If someone tells you "money is no object" they mean: +They have no money left |They can spend as much as they want +They want to give all their money to charity #\144 @Which of the following does NOT mean "That was expensive!" +That cost an arm and a leg! +That cost a pretty penny! |That was a steal! #\145 @Which would you rather be? |In the money +In the red +In the doghouse #\146 @If you were asked to pay in sucres instead of dollars, where would you be? |Equador +Antarctica +Spain #\147 @Where would you go if you wanted to spend kwachas instead of dollars? +South Dakota |Zambia +Italy #\148 @If you were asked to trade your dollars for gourdes, where would you be? |Haiti +Cuba +Cairo #\149 @To "put your money where your mouth is" means: |Stop talking and take action +Kiss a quarter +Pay your bill immediately #\150 @Take out a quarter. What does the tiny letter by George Washington's ponytail stand for? +The month in which the coin was made +The artist who designed the coin |The mint where the coin was made #\151 @When were the first metal coins minted in America? |1793 +1665 +1801 #\152 @Whose face appears on the U.S. half dollar? +George C. Scott +Henry Ford |John F. Kennedy #\153 @If someone says they've got a picture of Ulysses S. Grant in their wallet, they probably mean they have: |A $50 bill +A $5 bill +A pocket-sized book on the presidents #\154 @Ever see a hundred dollar bill? Remember who was on it? +Paul Revere +Davy Crockett |Benjamin Franklin #\155 @What is the largest denomination bill ever printed in America? +$100 +$10,000 |$100,000 #\156 @Which of the following could land you in jail? |Printing a full-size color picture of a dollar bill +Printing a small picture of a dollar bill in black and white +Burning a dollar bill #\157 @Look at the great seal of the United States on a one dollar bill. Why is the pyramid unfinished? +There wasn't room |As a symbol of continued growth +The designers didn't have time #\158 @A "red cent" is: |A small amount of money +A stolen penny +A counterfeit penny #\159 @If someone says to you, "I'd like to give you my two cents," they really mean: +I'll invest in your business +I want to give you two pennies |Let me tell you what I think. #\160 @What exactly is a tax? |Money people give to the government in exchange for services +Any money you hate to give away +Money that was especially hard to earn #\161 @Most of America's gold is stored in a place called: +Fort Lauderdale |Fort Knox +The Federal Depository #\162 @To a bank manager, a CD is: |A certificate of deposit +A small, shiny disc that plays music +The initials of the founder of American banking #\163 @If you find a blank check on the street, it's worth: +However much money is in the person's checking account +However much money is in the bank whose name is on the check |Nothing #\164 @Our national debt--which means the money our government owes other countries and people--is: |More than a trillion dollars +More than a billion dollars +More than a million dollars #\165 @Why are blue chip stocks--the really valuable ones--called blue chip? +Because the paper the stock certificates are printed on is blue |Because in poker the most valuable chips are blue +Because the brokers who sell these stocks wear blue suits #\167 @Who first said, "Time is money?" +Butch Cassidy |Benjamin Franklin +Henry Ford #\168 @In 1793, the first year of operation, the U.S. mint made approximately 31 coins a day. How many coins does the mint make today? +31 coins a minute +5,000 coins a day |42,000 coins an hour #\169 @How many one dollar bills do you think are printed, on average, every day in the United States? +90 +9,000 |9,000,000 #\170 @If someone offers to sell you something you think has been stolen, you should: +Take it, if it's a good deal +Say, "No thanks" and walk away |Say, "No thanks" and tell your parents, teacher or another adult #\171 @What does "E Pluribus Unum," the phrase that appears on the Nation's coins, mean in Latin? +Purple mountains majesty |Out of many, one +Money doesn't grow on trees #\172 @Whose signatures appear on all our dollar bills? +The President and the Secretary of the Treasury |The Treasurer of the U.S. and the Secretary of the Treasury +The head of the CIA and the President #\173 @What's a tariff? |A tax +The sound a dollar makes when it rips +The basic unit of money in Tunisia #\174 @What does I.R.S. stand for? +I'm Really Sorry |Internal Revenue Service +Interpersonal Revolving Services #\175 @What is a salary? |How much money you get paid for working a job +An exotic vegetable +The taxes you pay on the money you earn #\176 @What are your chances of winning the grand prize in the lottery? |About one in 5,200,000 +About one in 5,200 +About one in 52 #\177 @What's the biggest purchase most people will ever make? +Braces for their kids +Their car |Their house #\178 @The life expectancy of a dollar bill is about: |A year and a half +5 years +10 years #\180 @How do cashiers usually count out change? +They guess +They count down from the bill you gave them |They count up from the purchase price #\181 @What would be the most likely "count" for the change from a $3.45 sundae, if you gave the cashier $5? |"Here's fifty, four dollars and five." +"Here's four dollars and five." +"Here's seventy-five and five." #\184 @Why is the pyramid on the dollar bill unfinished? |It shows our country is still growing +The printer forgot to finish drawing it +It got chopped off in 1843 #\185 @There is a tiny owl in the upper right hand corner of the dollar bill. What does it stand for? |Nothing, it's a goof in the engraving +The printer put it in because he liked owls +Owls used to be the symbol of the country before the eagle #\186 @On the dollar bill, why does the eagle have 13 arrows in one of its claws? |The arrows represent the 13 colonies +That's all that would fit in the picture +That's all an eagle could really carry #\187 @On the dollar bill, why does the eagle have an olive branch in one claw? |The olive branch is a symbol of peace +Eagles like to eat olives +The olive tree is the national tree #\188 @On the dollar bill, why does the eagle have its head turned towards the olive branch? +The eagle is about to eat the olives |It shows the country would rather have peace +It shows the colonists planted lots of olive trees #\189 @What did we do with old money before 1916? +Burned it |Washed and ironed it +Buried it #\190 @Where does the word "cash" come from? |A Chinese word for coin +A Dutch word for a small wooden box +A Spanish word for gold #\191 @Where does the word "money" come from? |A Roman goddess +A French Impressionist +A Columbian system of astrology #\192 @Where does the word "salary" come from? |A Latin word for salt +The French word for hard work +A Native American word for bartering #\193 @George Washington's expenses for winning the American Revolutionary War were: |$91,000 +$910,000 +$9.1 million #\194 @How much did the purchase of Alaska cost? |2 cents an acre +4 million dollars +20 million dollars #\195 @How many Abraham Lincoln pennies have been minted? |250 billion +100 million +2 billion #\196 @When did the phrase "In God We Trust" first appear on a coin in the United States? |1864 +1776 +1907 #\197 @What bird did Benjamin Franklin want to put on the Nation's coins? |The turkey +The partridge +The peacock #\27 @Which would you rather find? +A dime |A dollar +A brand new pack of bubble gum #\28 @Your brother wants to make a trade. Which is a better deal? |Giving a marble and getting a nickel +Giving a marble and getting two pennies +Giving a marble and getting a rock #\35 @If you saved your allowance for a whole month, you could buy: +Anything in the whole world |Something worth more than if you spent it along the way +A rocketship #\75 @Which do you think you could buy for about $20? +A new bicycle +A pair of basketball shoes |Three movie tickets #\104 @What's a better deal on bubble gum: |A dime a dozen +Three for a dollar +Buy one for 10 cents, and get one free #\108 @How long would it take you, with an allowance of $3 a week, to save $14 for a poster you love? +Two weeks +Three weeks |Five weeks #\113 @About how much would you expect back from a cashier if you gave a $100 bill for a $35.40 bodyboard? +$75 |$64 +$6 #\114 @What's the better deal for pizza? +Buy two, get one free +Buy three, get one free |Half off all pizzas #\115 @Which is worth more? +Five $20 bills |Three $50 bills +One $100 bill #\116 @You get $4 a week allowance and spend $1 a week on comic books. How much do you have at the end of the month? +$8 |$12 +$16 #\118 @Which is worth more? +Five one-dollar bills |Four five-dollar bills +Twelve quarters #\121 @What's a better deal for a can of cat food? |$.29 each +2 for $1 +3 for $1 #\122 @You buy a double-dip chocolate fudge ice cream cone for $2.33 and hand the cashier $5. How much change should you receive? +$3.67 |$2.67 +$2.66 #\125 @Puppies are on sale for half off $35. How much do they cost? +$20.00 +$12.50 |$17.50 #\126 @Which would you rather win in a lottery? +A hundred dollar bill |A hundred thousand pennies +A 10-speed bike #\179 @If you were to buy a large cheese pizza for $8.50, and you tipped the delivery man $.50, how much would the change from a $10 bill be? |$1 +$2 +$1.50 #\182 @Which do you think is worth more? +A credit card statement for $345 +A check for $345 |A bank statement with a balance of $400 #\183 @Which is worth more? +A credit card with a $1,000 limit +A check for $100 |$110 in cash